• Alert:

    We wanted to take the opportunity to re-share information about our Bus Driver recruiting incentive program in the link here: https://bit.ly/3UCXot4

    If you know of anyone who might be interested in becoming an integral part of PUSD as a driver, please encourage them to apply via the link here: https://paysonunified.tedk12.com/hire/ViewJob.aspx?JobID=332

    If you have any questions about the incentive program or would like to apply, please reach out to us, and we'll be happy to help!

    Thank you for all you do for PUSD!
    Chuck Savvy 928-472-5739
    Christine DeCarlo 928-472-5877

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Superintendent's Message


Dear PUSD Families, Faculty, Staff, and Community, Linda Gibson

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year. It continues to be a pleasure serving as the Superintendent of Payson Unified School District since 2020, the heart of the Payson community, which goes much deeper than being a rural school district. Our PUSD community is where individuals fold up their sleeves and help their neighbors without question, volunteer with local community programs, and work together to promote EXCELlence. As an integral part of the Payson community, PUSD faculty and staff have over 5,000 years of experience combining teaching, coaching, sponsorship, volunteering, outside education work experience, counseling services, degrees, and military service. 

PUSD continues to work hard to maintain a connected culture, foster learning, and keep its students, faculty, and staff engaged and excited to come to school with a strong work ethic despite public education challenges. I am excited to share that PUSD again has been identified As a National Capturing Kids Hearts Showcase District and now an AVID District. We continue to equip faculty and staff to implement transformational processes focused on social-emotional well-being, relationship-driven campus culture, and student connectedness through critical thinking and engagement.  

With opposition that may sometimes appear daily, it is imperative to remain connected, motivated and inspired to learn for forwarding progress. The importance of making sure each heart is okay before expecting performance is the essence of Capturing Kid's Hearts and the culture within PUSD. We know that the more a child feels cared for, and a sense of belonging with dignity, the more they internally and emotionally can succeed with a desire to respect and have pride.  

I hope all students, families, faculty, and staff thrive and flourish this school year through interactions, academics, instruction, extracurricular and co-curricular activities, and time with family.

With Warm Regards,

Linda GIbson

Linda Gibson 

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