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Tuesday, 5/4/2021

Kim Yates

On behalf of the staff of Julia Randall Elementary School, I am happy to welcome you to the 2021-2022 school year.

We are looking forward to a great school year partnering with parents to develop well-rounded learners inspired to excel. Julia Randall Elementary (JRE) is a Capturing Kids Heart (CKH) National Showcase school! Using CKH we have created an atmosphere of high achievement through healthy, strong staff-student bonds. As parent partners, you can support your child’s academic success by:

  1. Creating a morning, bedtime, and homework routine.
  2. Setting high expectations for your child’s future. No matter what they want to be,  assure them they can be the best.
  3. Be at school every day you are healthy on time, ready to learn.
  4. Staying in touch with your child’s teacher.
  5. Read, read read!

Julia Randall Elementary School features a variety of programs and services to meet the needs of our learners. In addition to our third, fourth, and fifth grade students, JRE has two special education preschool classes, the Caris STEAM Lab, and the CKH room where students can take a break when the need arises. In 2020-2021 we added a second/third grade looping program. Two classes of second grade students attend JRE and  follow their teacher from second grade into third grade. Looping classrooms have several benefits including strong teacher-student-parent relationships, a reduction in time required to teach and learn routines and expectations, maximized instructional time, and a strong classroom culture that encourages learning.

My goal is to work diligently with students, families, staff, and the community to build trusting relationships. With open lines of communication, mutual trust and respect, and high expectations for social/emotional and academic growth, there is no limit to what we can expect JRE students to accomplish. 


Kimberly Yates, M.Ed.



Friday, 7/1/2022


Dear Families,

On behalf of the staff of Julia Randall Elementary School, I am happy to welcome you to our community of learners.

We are looking forward to a great school year partnering with parents to develop well-rounded learners inspired to excel. Julia Randall Elementary (JRE) is a Capturing Kids Heart (CKH) National Showcase school! Using CKH we have created an atmosphere of high-achievement through healthy, strong staff-student bonds. As parent partners, you can support your child’s academic success by:

  1. Creating a morning, bedtime, and homework routine.
  2. Setting high expectations for your child’s future. No matter what they want to be,  assure them they can be the best.
  3. Be at school every day you are healthy on time, ready to learn.
  4. Staying in touch with your child’s teacher.
  5. Read, read, read!

Julia Randall Elementary School features a variety of programs and services to meet the needs of our learners. In addition to our third, fourth, and fifth grade students, JRE has two special education preschool classes, the Caris STEAM Lab, and the CKH room where students can take a break when the need arises. In 2020-2021 we added a second/third grade looping program. Two classes of second grade students attend JRE and  follow their teacher from second grade into third grade. Looping classrooms have several benefits including strong teacher-student-parent relationships, a reduction in time required to teach and learn routines and expectations, maximized instructional time, and a strong classroom culture that encourages learning.

My goal is to work diligently with students, families, staff, and the community to build trusting relationships. With open lines of communication, mutual trust and respect, and high expectations for social/emotional and academic growth, there is no limit to what we can expect JRE students to accomplish. 


Kimberly Yates




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