Payson Unified School District offers a tuition-free, Monday through Thursday full-day Kindergarten program at Payson Elementary School (PES). Our Kindergarten students enjoy a challenging and comprehensive curriculum designed to provide the individualized attention they need to thrive while developing a lifelong love for learning.
Parents of children who turn 5 years old on or before August 31st of the enrolling year may register for Kindergarten.

The following documents are required to enroll your student:

  • A certified copy of your child’s birth certificate
  • Your child’s immunization records
  • Proof of Arizona residency with your name & current address:
    • Driver’s license
    • Utility bill: gas, electric, water, or phone
    • House payment receipt, rent receipt or lease agreement
    • Paystub
    • Bank statement
  • Emergency contact name, phone number, and email address
  • For a complete list of acceptable documents, please visit the Arizona Department of Education website.
Each year in April, PES hosts a Kinder Round Up event for parents and students interested in learning more about our Kindergarten Program. Please watch for more information about this event.


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PUSD Air quality - Horton Fire Smoke

Due to the heavy smoke in the area from the Horton Fire PUSD will be calling a Red Flag morning for the week of January 6th through the 9th, 2025. This will be in place till 10:15 a.m. each morning.
This means that P.U.S.D. faculty and staff will work to bring students indoors during this time and there will be no outside morning recess.
If you have questions or concerns please reach out to your school site administration directly.
Thank you.

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